Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Mason!

Mason's turned 2 on July 15th. We celebrated his birthday a few days before but we still had to sing to him on his actual birthday. The night before Mason "helped" me make cupcakes. He likes to watch the mixer mix everything and I have to watch him to make sure he doesn't stick his fingers in the beaters while they are moving. He loved to like the beaters or the spatula. He make a huge mess of his face!

Mommy and daddy sang Happy Birthday to Mason and had him blow out his 2 candles. Instead of making a wish he decided to touch the flam on the candle and end up with a burned finger! Poor kid - but he was tough and didn't cry about it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mason's Birthday Party

Mason had his 2nd birthday party on July 10th. We celebrated a few day's early so grandma Lomax and Shalese could be there. We had a BBQ in our backyard and had all the family over. Mason and his cousins played in the pool for a while. They were all squealing and splashing each other.

Ellie, Mason and Evan

Mason loves Curious George so we got him a George cake. He really loved it. He was so cute when we sang happy birthday to him. He smiled so big and then he blew out his candles.
Pay no attention to the big fat pregnant lady. I tried to avoid pictures at all cost but it couldn't be totally avoided.

Mason got lots of fun getting presents. He got a new wagon, puzzles, a toy buldozer, a sandbox and a big wheel. He loved opening presents. Cameron even jumped in the wagon with Mason to help him open presents.

Mason can't quite reach the pedles on the big wheel yet but he still liked it. It will be great for next summer when he can reach better.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Mason was able to have his first session of swimming lessons this summer. My bosses kids teach swim lessons so I thought I would take advantage of that. Mason usually likes the water so I thought it would be a good idea to get him started now. He did really well. The first time we went to the pool he jumped right in to Colby (the teacher). By the end of the session he could float on his back for a few seconds, blow bubbles, go underwater and pick up the rings. Mason would only really let Colby or daddy help him for about 10 minutes tops and then he wanted to go to the stairs and play with the rings. Overall I think Mason did wonderful. When we ask him if he wants to go swimming he will say "Swim with Colby fun". Next summer he should be even better!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Our 4th of July started out with Grandma Lomax and Shalese coming to visit us from Oregon. We were really excited to have them visit us. On the morning of the 4th we went to see the Centerville parade. It was a little disapointing because there was only 1 float. The rest were advertisements on the sides of cars or boats. Mason did like the one float. Hopefully next year will be better.
Mason just sat on daddy the whole time and relaxed.

That night we did some fireworks in the backyard for Mason. This was really his first year we did much with fireworks. Mason really seemed to like them. He wasn't too sure about the sparklers but he did like throwing the poppers and stepping on the ones that didn't pop. He also really liked the smoke bombs.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Shane loves to go surfing at the flowrider. He and Ryan (my sisters husband) went this afternoon and Mason and I decided to come along. We meet up with my sister Mandy, Ryan and their kids Ellie and Cameron. Shane has been practicing so he was a lot better. He was fun to watch. Last time I took Mason to watch he was only about a year old an he did not like it at all. It was too noisy for him so we stayed out most of the time. This time he really liked to see daddy in the water and the noise didn't bother him so much even though he did tell me a few times that it was noisy.

When there was only about 15 minutes left on their session me, Mandy and the kids went over to the Pizza Factory to hold a table. On the way over we stopped and let the kids play in the water fountain. Mason loves water! It doesn't matter if he is fully dressed or not he will try to jump in. He kept trying to drink out of the fountains! Mason and Cameron like to climb on the blocks to get to the water. The kids were so cute and loved playing!

Shane kept telling me to get a video of him surfing because he was getting better. Every time I turned on the camera he decided to fall down, but this one was pretty good.