Monday, September 28, 2009

Morgan's Blessing

We had Morgan's baby blessing on September 27th at our chuch. It was so nice and Shane gave Morgan a wonderful blessing. Mason was even a good boy in church. He usually likes to run around and be noisy. It was nice to have some of our family there. We missed having Hadley, JoAnna and Evan there since they just moved to Kansas for Law School.
Mason, mommy, daddy and Morgan

Morgan did great during the blessing. She slept the entire time we were at the church. She looked so cute in her dress. I especially loved her little bracelet she wore.

Mommy and Morgan - and Morgan is ready for a nap!

Day at the Zoo

Grandma Lomax and Aunt Shalese came for a visit to see Morgan and Mason. Daddy took Shalese to work with him one day so Mason, Morgan, grandma and mommy went to the zoo! It was a very nice day. Probably one of the last we will have before cold weather hits. Mason loved to see all the animals. He also like grandma pulling him around in his wagon.

Grandma and Mason standing infront of the Rhinos.

Mason was so excited to climb on the Rhino. He was getting very impatient waiting for other kids to get down.

There was a baby giraff at the zoo. Mason was most excited to see the giraff's.

We all had fun at the zoo - even Morgan. It was her first time and see did great (she slept the whole time which was nice for me).

Sunday, September 13, 2009

1 Month Old

Morgan was one month old on September 11th. It is so amazing how time flies and how much she has grown. I love these sleeping pictures. She looks like a little angel when she sleeps.

Mason loves his baby sister so much! He is the biggest help with her too. He will get me a diaper, birp cloth or blanket when she needs one. In this picture he had one of her washclothes and is washing her head.