Saturday, October 31, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

We kinda forgot about carving pumpkins until it was almost too late. Mason and daddy carved the pumpkin right before we went trick-or-treating. Daddy wanted to make a puking pumpkin. Mason thought it was so funny. He even made puking sounds once it was finished.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hanging out with daddy

Mason loves hanging out with daddy and Morgan is getting better at being with daddy if mommy isn't around.

Posted by PicasaMy two cute kids! Morgan just spit up 2 seconds before I took this picture

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Shane and I took the kids to the pumpkin patch in Kaysville. It was the purfect time to go. It was in the afternoon while most kids were still in school and the weather was really nice and warm. Mason loved running around finding the perfect pumpkin with daddy. He also liked ridding in the wheelbarrow. First he picked out a little pumpkin for Morgan and one for himself. Then he and daddy went into the field to fin two big pumpkins. I was carring Morgan in the Snuglie and she didn't like it at all! She wasn't happy until I took her out. Overall it was a fun afternoon and I know Mason can't wait to carve the pumpkins with daddy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2 Months Old

Morgan was 2 months old on October 11th. She had her 2 month well baby visit on the 12th. She was 23 inches long (74%). She weighed 10 lbs 15 oz (52%) and her head circumfrance was 15 inches (32%). She had to have 4 immunizations which were not fun at all. I hate when babies have to get shots. They look at you like why are you doing this to me. She was so upset after her shots that she went to sleep for a few hours. After she woke up the injection sites were really swollen and painful. She cried for a while which really upset big brother. Mason was so worried about her and was trying to give her toys to make her feel better. After some Tylenol and a bit of moving around on the floor she was feeling better. I thought she looked so cute with the bandaids on both legs. I hope by 4 months those legs will have gotten a little more chunky so the shots wont hurt as much.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Newborn Pictures

We had newborn picutres taken of Morgan when she was about 2 weeks old. We finally got the pictures and they are so adorable! She was wide awake for most of the photo shoot. Mason was even being pretty good and took a few pictures with her. Morgan in her cute newborn dress. I love this dress and she was only able to wear it twice before it was too small for her.

Mason is the best big brother ever!

I had to keep a close eye on Mason during this picture. He kept wanting to climb in the basket with Morgan.

Morgan got to wear the cutest tutu for this picture.

Mason loves his baby sister so much. I know everyone thought Mason was going to beat up on her but he is so nice and gentle with her and he loves taking pictures with her.

This is my favorit picture of Morgan. I love the hat she is wearing - so cute!