Morgan turned 3 months old on November 11th. She is so happy and smiley (eventhough I can't really catch a good smile on camera). She is a wonderful addition to our family and we can't imagin life without her. Actually it is somethimes hard to remember life before kids but we love it. Morgan is so sweet and mellow and agreeable. She sleeps all through the night and she is one a perfect schedule. She is so adorable and we love her!
My sister JoAnna made this cute strawberry hat for Morgan. It goes cute with her pants.
I love this dress on Morgan - so adorable!
Mason still loves his sister so much. Whenever I am taking pictures on Morgan he has to get in on the action.
Mason also likes to try out all of Morgan's things. He is sitting in her bumbo. He also likes to climb in the swing or give his buddy (blanket) a ride.