Monday, August 29, 2011

New Pictures

The kids had their pictures taken for their birthdays and I think they turned out awsome! The nicest lady in our ward took our family pictures last fall so I asked her if she would take their birthday pictures too. She did the best job! We went behind the Kaysville Theater which I never would have thought of.
It blows my mind how grown up Mason looks. He is getting so big and I still remember him being so small. Makes me almost cry!
Morgie looks so sweet!
Here Mason wants to tell her a secret and she is telling him to get away.
Again, how grown up!
Morgie with her favorite treat. I had to have a few bribes in my purse to get through the hour!
This picture says to me - angel or devil? You decide!

I loved how these pictures turned out! They show the kids personalities just great. I can't believe They are 2 and 4!

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