Saturday, October 1, 2011

Yellowstone Day 2

Day 2 of our Yellowstone trip started out earlier than either Morgie or I would have liked. The boys are early risers but Morgie likes to sleep in a little bit with her mommy. So after getting ready, eating breakfast and checking out of the hotel we headed down the road to Yellowstone. The day started off really cold. I can't believe the temp difference between home and Jackson.
We had to stop and get a family picture in front of Grand Teton. It was hard to get a good picture. We had to time it just right for the camera timer, the kids looking and no cars driving on the road behind us, but we finally got one.
The boys had to take a pit stop. Shane hates when I take these pictures but I think it is funny :)
We headed into Yellowstone and we stopped at the hot pots by Yellowstone Lake. The water in the pools were so pretty! I always loved the different colors.

Morgie and mommy in front of Yellowstone lake.

On the way back to the car Mason saw a coyote. I just thought it was someones dog but daddy confirmed it to be a coyote . He wasn't afraid of people at all so while I was in the nasty outhouse daddy took the kids up close and fed it some jerky.
We were unaware that this was the last weekend Yellowstone was open for the season and we were having a hard time finding some place to get lunch so in our search we drove right past several buffalo that were sitting right next to some cabins. The kids loved seeing them up close.
Here is Morgie trying to pick up rocks in the pavement. Her favorite thing lately is collecting rocks to bring home.
We stopped off at Yellowstone falls - I think this was on the way to the smaller falls. This is about the best picture we could get cause Morgie was really tired and didn't want to take any pictures. We headed back to the car and the kids immediately fell asleep!

After the last stop we packed up in the car and headed to the hotel in West Yellowstone just barely in Montana. We settled in the hotel and walked a few blocks to a mexican restraunt for dinner. Then we headed back to the hotel to go swimming. The kids love to go swimming at hotels - mostly just in the hot baths as they call them (hot tubs).

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